Thursday, November 29, 2012

Still here, still trucking along!

Oops. I haven't blogged in a long long time. Mainly because I have been napping. The third trimester showed up and this momma got really tired, I guess I'm prepping for the fatigue of post Georgia life. In the mean time, I have had 3 really sweet showers for our girl.

Our first shower was a diaper shower, and it was a success! 1303 diapers to be exact and a bunch of wipes and butt paste. Woo Hoo!
 Then we had the sweetest themed, most beautiful "Georgia Peach" shower and got so many things for Georgia! Not to mention the all the peach themed foods and drinks were delicious. I'm still dreaming of peach dumplings and a peach Nehi soda.
And last but not least, my sweet girls from work hosted a shower for our little pumpkin. I am so lucky to have the coworkers that I do!
All this showering lead the the result of Georgia's room being complete. And I am IN LOVE. So many people have asked "What's your theme?" Well sorry, but it isn't Dora, Pooh bear, or Disney Princesses. I guess you could call my theme Fabulous, because that's how I feel in her beautiful nursery. My husband and Daddy-O helped me so much with all my big ideas, couldn't have done it with out them for sure.
That's it in a nutshell. I'm proud of it, took all these pictures of it before there is crayon on the walls and puke stains on the carpet.
We have also had a 3D ultrasound done since the last time I blogged. I was so excited, but worried we wouldn't get the face shot I was hoping for. When the ultrasound tech asked if I was ready to look at her face I almost told her no. It was a little overwhelming to think I was about to get to see her. But I went through with it. As soon as we got a good look Josh was hitting my leg gesturing wildly in his own form of sign language to communicate to me that she had my nose and looks just like me. I was hoping she would be a little mini Josh. I can't wait for her to actually be here so we can see more of her features. Fingers crossed for Josh's hair, he had the cutest stand straight up fly away baby hair. Which as adult hair is straight as a board and grows super fast. I'm also hoping she has Josh's attitude, a patient one.
Now that we see how baby Georgia looks, let us talk about momma. I had been loving my bump, having fun picking outfits to wear, and been receiving compliments like I didn't even look pregnant from behind. Needless to say that's over with! It was like 34 weeks was a magic fairy godmother wand that worked in reverse. Wide nose, puffy face, swollen feet...just to name a few. Now people say things to me like "Are you still working?" and "You look ready."  It was all good fun when G made my boobs bigger, but this whole lard ass swollen look isn't as appealing.
The blissfully pregnant, isn't this fun, sure you can take my picture days.
Here we are in the days of my feet hurt, I can't wear my jewelry or feel my fingertips, and I haven't seen my own crotch in weeks.
Pretty sure this terd will be worth it though!
She has been head down for months now (a planner like her mom) so hopefully delivery is smooth sailing. Only one major concern. Since I take aspirin to thin my blood everyday, there is a chance my platelet count (platelets have to do with making your blood clot) could be low when I show up at the hospital for delivery. If that is the case, I can kiss any hope of an epidural goodbye. Which I know I would live and learn to walk again, but not even having the option is a little, okay a lot, freaky. When Dr. John called me and told me I had MTHFR, my first thought was concern for my baby. Instantly after that my inner dialogue screamed "Son of a gun, those are the girls that don't get epidurals!" Then right back to worrying unselfishly about my baby.  I have been pushing this fear to the back of my mind since there is absolutely nothing I can do about it, but the closer D-Day gets the scarier it is. 4 weeks and 5 days to be exact. Jesus take the wheel.
Aside from that worry, Josh and I have been staying at home on purpose as much as possible. We have gotten so much accomplished around the house and last week he was home we didn't even eat out one time! We are so enjoying our last stretch of down time before G-Love turns our planet sideways. I have become tearful more that once that the Josh and Courtney era is coming to an end. Sounds weird, and it is not that I'm not ready for my daughter to be here but Josh has been my #1 for a long time and the switching of focus and priority is just a little sad, in a sentimental way. I am so so so so (insert a lot more so's here) thankful that we have been together for all the time we have and have made the most of it. I have enjoyed every second of building my relationship with him and I know we are ready for the next level, level Georgia. Bring it on, we will only love each other more!
End sappy rant here. Just want to make sure when Georgia reads this someday she knows how much I love her Daddy and that relationships are worth time investment and work. The end, fatty fatty two by four signing off.
Peace.Love.We're on the downhill slide.