Sunday, December 9, 2012

Pre-baby Panic

36 weeks now and as ready as I can be! Mom and Dad bags are packed, car seat in the vehicle, diaper bag stocked with gowns, coordinating blankets, and 2 coming home outfits (one for a birth weight of less than 7 pounds and one for more)  Although I have prepared all the things I can control, I still freak out over the things I can't. Like where Josh will be when it is time to go to the hospital. If he is at work, he will have a 2 1/2-3 hour drive home, which is doable, but he will only have 3 days to be with us. So I alternate anxiety about quantity of Josh time with the thankfulness that Josh only works every other week. So half of the time I will have him home with me, and he will be totally free to devote all his attention to us. 

Also a source of worry is that Georgia will be born during cold and flu season. Cootie queen momma in the making. Make fun of me. Call me psycho. Tell me I'm being over protective. I don't give a rat's patoot.  The last thing I want is for my baby girl to get RSV or something worse, end up in the hospital, get poked for labs, have an IV, have a bunch of snot when she can't even blow her nose yet, etc. etc. Inevitably this would all transpire while Josh was at work, just the way our luck runs with stuff like that. So if you don't want to wash your hands, or you may sneeze or cough on my baby, I say this as lovingly as possible: Bug off. I know that she will not live her whole childhood and never get sick, but we will do everything we can to prevent it while she is an infant. And that's all I have to say about that.
You'll find this on our hospital door. Now let me say, we can't wait to show Miss Georgia off, so don't be scared to come see us. We love you, really we do. Just wash your hands without giving me any grief about it.
Next worry: Today I went in to Georgia's nursery to put some things away and was having a moment in her closet. All theses adorable clothes we have been gifted and that I have shopped for make my heart flutter! I am about to have a BABY to wear them! But wait...when I was shopping I didn't buy as many newborn sized outfits as I did other sizes. Rationalizing that she won't be that size for very long. What was I thinking?? I frantically count the newborn clothes in the closet. 20 outfits. Is that enough? Will she be newborn size for longer than 20 days? What if she spits up or craps on something and has to wear 2 outfits in one day? Ahhhh!!! As soon as Josh called from work I asked him if he thought I should go to JCPenney tomorrow and buy more clothes. His response? Ever my voice of logic and reason: You can wash her clothes you freaking nut job. THEN she can wear them twice or even three or four times if necessary. Oh, whew! Why didn't I think of that? Now THAT was a close one. Crisis averted.
I went to the doctor a few days ago and Georgia weighs an estimated 5 lbs and 14 ounces. I am wondering how much bigger she can get before my uterus starts to contract. I feel like I may be pregnant forever. But I had been told that the last weeks slow down and boy do they. Guess it just gives you time to worry about dumb crap. My puffiness/swelling is pretty good and easily resolves when I rest a little. My blood pressure is still within normal limits, just a little high when compared to my baseline blood pressure from the beginning of my pregnancy. 1+ protein in my urine as a result, but I don't feel like I am going to stroke out anytime soon. So we will just keep carrying on. My plan is to NOT be induced if at all possible. I have different reasons why I don't prefer induction, but I'm not totally close minded about it. Every time Josh leaves for work a planned day to go to the hospital is pretty tempting, but I'm holding out. God knows when she will come and if he wants Josh to be there, he'll be there.
I have a couple of predictions about Georgia's personality. I have already mentioned I think she will be a planner like me, since she has been head down ready to make her way through the birth canal for months. My other prediction is that she will not be a morning person. When I wake up for the final time in the morning (not any of the other times I get up throughout the night to pee and eat) she hurts me! Pushes both arms and legs outward as hard as I think she can. It makes my stomach look so deformed and lopsided. Like the Quasimodo of pregnant bellies. I feel like she is saying "Five more minutes mom!" Oh and I think she is going to be a pig. She is making me so so hungry. I wake up every hour to two hours throughout the night to pee and with each wake up my stomach is rumbling and I feel like I haven't eaten in days. So we have many snacks, and eat more than 3 meals a day. So I think she will be a big eater!
I'm going to shut up now, Georgia's Aunt Abi is on her way to bring us a Big Mac. Our second supper for the evening.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Still here, still trucking along!

Oops. I haven't blogged in a long long time. Mainly because I have been napping. The third trimester showed up and this momma got really tired, I guess I'm prepping for the fatigue of post Georgia life. In the mean time, I have had 3 really sweet showers for our girl.

Our first shower was a diaper shower, and it was a success! 1303 diapers to be exact and a bunch of wipes and butt paste. Woo Hoo!
 Then we had the sweetest themed, most beautiful "Georgia Peach" shower and got so many things for Georgia! Not to mention the all the peach themed foods and drinks were delicious. I'm still dreaming of peach dumplings and a peach Nehi soda.
And last but not least, my sweet girls from work hosted a shower for our little pumpkin. I am so lucky to have the coworkers that I do!
All this showering lead the the result of Georgia's room being complete. And I am IN LOVE. So many people have asked "What's your theme?" Well sorry, but it isn't Dora, Pooh bear, or Disney Princesses. I guess you could call my theme Fabulous, because that's how I feel in her beautiful nursery. My husband and Daddy-O helped me so much with all my big ideas, couldn't have done it with out them for sure.
That's it in a nutshell. I'm proud of it, took all these pictures of it before there is crayon on the walls and puke stains on the carpet.
We have also had a 3D ultrasound done since the last time I blogged. I was so excited, but worried we wouldn't get the face shot I was hoping for. When the ultrasound tech asked if I was ready to look at her face I almost told her no. It was a little overwhelming to think I was about to get to see her. But I went through with it. As soon as we got a good look Josh was hitting my leg gesturing wildly in his own form of sign language to communicate to me that she had my nose and looks just like me. I was hoping she would be a little mini Josh. I can't wait for her to actually be here so we can see more of her features. Fingers crossed for Josh's hair, he had the cutest stand straight up fly away baby hair. Which as adult hair is straight as a board and grows super fast. I'm also hoping she has Josh's attitude, a patient one.
Now that we see how baby Georgia looks, let us talk about momma. I had been loving my bump, having fun picking outfits to wear, and been receiving compliments like I didn't even look pregnant from behind. Needless to say that's over with! It was like 34 weeks was a magic fairy godmother wand that worked in reverse. Wide nose, puffy face, swollen feet...just to name a few. Now people say things to me like "Are you still working?" and "You look ready."  It was all good fun when G made my boobs bigger, but this whole lard ass swollen look isn't as appealing.
The blissfully pregnant, isn't this fun, sure you can take my picture days.
Here we are in the days of my feet hurt, I can't wear my jewelry or feel my fingertips, and I haven't seen my own crotch in weeks.
Pretty sure this terd will be worth it though!
She has been head down for months now (a planner like her mom) so hopefully delivery is smooth sailing. Only one major concern. Since I take aspirin to thin my blood everyday, there is a chance my platelet count (platelets have to do with making your blood clot) could be low when I show up at the hospital for delivery. If that is the case, I can kiss any hope of an epidural goodbye. Which I know I would live and learn to walk again, but not even having the option is a little, okay a lot, freaky. When Dr. John called me and told me I had MTHFR, my first thought was concern for my baby. Instantly after that my inner dialogue screamed "Son of a gun, those are the girls that don't get epidurals!" Then right back to worrying unselfishly about my baby.  I have been pushing this fear to the back of my mind since there is absolutely nothing I can do about it, but the closer D-Day gets the scarier it is. 4 weeks and 5 days to be exact. Jesus take the wheel.
Aside from that worry, Josh and I have been staying at home on purpose as much as possible. We have gotten so much accomplished around the house and last week he was home we didn't even eat out one time! We are so enjoying our last stretch of down time before G-Love turns our planet sideways. I have become tearful more that once that the Josh and Courtney era is coming to an end. Sounds weird, and it is not that I'm not ready for my daughter to be here but Josh has been my #1 for a long time and the switching of focus and priority is just a little sad, in a sentimental way. I am so so so so (insert a lot more so's here) thankful that we have been together for all the time we have and have made the most of it. I have enjoyed every second of building my relationship with him and I know we are ready for the next level, level Georgia. Bring it on, we will only love each other more!
End sappy rant here. Just want to make sure when Georgia reads this someday she knows how much I love her Daddy and that relationships are worth time investment and work. The end, fatty fatty two by four signing off.
Peace.Love.We're on the downhill slide.


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Truckin' right along!

We are 24 weeks today and I am still feeling great. My belly button has popped out and I hate it! I have always had a weird problem with my belly button. Josh loves to stick his finger in it because he knows it makes me feel like I want to puke on a person and now that it is popped out I get my belly button touched ALL the time. EWWWWW. During my ultrasound this week, my doctor kept rolling the ultrasound wand over my belly button and if I wasn't getting to look at my sweet Georgia I would have been able to take it. So if you see me at the grocery store and have the urge to touch my belly, go right ahead but please avoid my belly button or I will have the uncontrollable urge to throw up on you.

Ankles have started to be swollen at the end of some days if I have been on my feet too much. Drinking lots of water and cashing in a lot of foot rubs from my devoted husband :)

The past little while has really brought on the heartburn! Old wives tale says that means a head full of hair. I don't really believe those kinds of superstitions but a baby with flowing locks of hair would be a nice consolation to all this heartburn.I was bald as an onion until I was 2 years old. Josh on the other hand had the fuzziest hair that stood straight up all the time. I hope our baby looks just like Josh!

Here is our most recent look at our baby girl! Her face is on the right and her arms are up by her ears. Her leg bone measured long this week and a lot of people I have told about this say she will be a basketball player. Nope, I think we will use our long legs for dancing thank you. Georgia Love is weighing in at 1 pound and 6 ounces. Every night before bed Josh lays his hand on my belly to feel her move. Our favorite part of the day, sweet moments!
I.LOOK.SO.BIG. I have had several people tell me that I look bigger in pictures than I do in person, whew! However, today in JCPenney a lady asked me when I was due and then told me I was going to be huge before I delivered and she sure hopes I make it. I initially had a lot of trouble finding cute outfits to wear, but now I have outgrown all of my sweatpants. Now THAT is a problem! Every girl, pregnant or not, deserves a good pair of fat pants! I have been wearing Josh's boxer shorts around the house most of the time and he is complaining he never has any clean underwear. Hey we all have to sacrifice here. Oh well, we are just fat and sassy and happy that baby G is growing away!
I am also SO very happy to report that I haven't bled/spotted in almost 2 whole weeks. (now everyone knock on wood!) I am thankful thankful thankful for this stress reliever. Since my joyous 12 week milestone I have been alternating between bleeding and spotting most everyday and it was making me worry because it was always for NO reason. I couldn't ever justify it with a cause like heavy lifting or being on my feet to much or anything like that. I was mostly afraid of my placenta detaching from the uterine wall (medical term: abruption) since I would have an increased risk of that being a MTHFR-er, and also afraid of incompetent cervix which is where the cervix can't support the weight of a growing baby causing delivery way too early. I just did my best to push the worry to the back of my mind and take it easy if I thought I needed to. On the worst day for my bleeding I called my doctor's office and they wanted to see me. We couldn't find any cause for it other than the irritation of a vein on my cervix (cervix is very vascular during pregnancy) he gave me some antibiotics hoping to help with any inflammation that may be causing it. He told me to pay close attention in case I started to feel any pressure (incompetent cervix worry) The antibiotics helped, but didn't take it totally away. But as of today I can say it has "stopped" and hopefully for good, lots of prayers for peace of mind have gone up with this little issue!
Enough about me for today.
Peace.Love.Fat Pants.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Fall is in the air!

Fall is definitely the favorite season at the Hollowell Headquarters. I love the weather, foliage, and the holidays. Josh gets buck fever and dives head first into another hunting season. 2 years ago, we had our wedding on a beautiful fall day. It is actually Fall Eve right now (not QUITE fall yet) but I can feel it coming! Last week, under my direction, Josh took a few maternity pictures of me before he left for work again. He did such a good job! I may just turn him into a picture whore like me before it's all over with.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Make & Freeze Meals

Today I didn't have to work and Josh has left me for the rig. I am waiting on some fabric to come in the mail before I fire up the sewing machine again and I was struck with a case of boredom. I started pinteresting, a favorite time killer of mine, and saw some pins for make ahead meals. I have contemplated doing this before and well today was the day! I cooked for a couple of hours this afternoon and the result is a small stock pile of home cooked goodness for the first little while after G-baby gets here. Josh and I are notorious for eating out, not even because we want to, just because we forgot to go to the grocery store again. We really aren't even satisfied when we go out. We have burned ourselves out on all the restaurants Corning has to offer at supper time. So hopefully I can have a marathon cooking spree again before my pregnancy ends and have even MORE food in my deep freeze!
Here is what I came up with today: 3 meals of Autumn Pork Chops, 2 pot roasts, 2 meals of potato soup, 3 meals of chili, 2 meals of Creamy Chicken and Chive Sauce, and 1 meal of poppy seed chicken.  Recipes anyone? Here they are! (*Before I start, Georgia's godmommy Caleigh went on a cookbook queen run after all her wedding showers and she is responsible for sharing the majority of these recipes with me. She is a good gal to have around.*)
Autumn Pork Chops  This is one of the easiest to make ahead. (I ate it once at Caleigh's house, it was really good!) All you need are 4-6 boneless pork chops, sprinkled with cinnamon. Put in a freezer bag with 2 cups of apple juice. Thaw the night before you want to prepare. Once thawed, cook in the ole crock pot on low for 10 hours.
Pot Roast   Also an easy one, this will just save me the time of going to the store and chopping up the vegetables. My favorite recipe for roast is what I used. Place roast in freezer bag, add 2 envelopes Lipton Onion Soup Mix, chopped potatoes, and chopped carrots, and 1/2 cup Root Beer (makes it tender and juicy!)  Thaw before placing in crock pot on low for 8-10 hours or high for 4-6 hours.
Potato Soup  One 30 ounce bag of frozen shredded hash browns, 32 ounce container of chicken broth, 1 can cream of chicken soup, 1/2 cup chopped onion, 1/2 tsp pepper, 1/4 tsp garlic powder, 8 ounces cream cheese. Put all the ingredients in a freezer bag except the cream cheese. To serve: thaw and place in crock pot on low for 6-8 hours or high for 4-5 hours. One hour before serving, add cream cheese. Garnish as desired.
Chili  Well I am sure this one goes without explaining. Make chili and freeze it. Just use your favorite recipe.
Creamy Chicken and Chive Sauce  Love this one, which Caleigh gave me the recipe for! Melt 1/4 cup butter and stir in one 0.7 ounce package of dry Italian salad dressing mix. Stir in one can of condensed golden mushroom soup and one 8 ounce package of chive and onion cream cheese. Place 4-6 boneless skinless chicken breasts in freezer bag and top with sauce. To prepare thaw and cook in crock pot on low for 4-5 hours. Serve over cooked pasta or rice.
Poppy Seed Chicken  5 cups chopped cooked chicken in bottom of 9x13 freezer safe dish. In a medium bowl stir together 1 can cream of chicken soup and 1 cup of sour cream. Pour over chicken. In separate bowl melt 1/2 cup butter. Add 1 1/2 cups crushed Ritz crackers (I use the roasted vegetable crackers Ritz makes) and 1 tsp poppy seeds. Sprinkle over chicken and sauce. Cover dish and place in 2 gallon freezer bag. To prepare, thaw and bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. (This one is also a Caleigh recipe! Aren't you jealous she isn't your best friend??)
Anyways, that's all folks. I have found through my internet research that you should double bag before freezing and get all of the air out of the bags to avoid freezer burn. I am hoping to have another burst of nesting momma energy and do this again with some different recipes.
Peace. Love. Make & Freeze.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Georgia Goes to Graceland

This past week Josh and I went to Panama City Beach for a few very relaxing days, we didn't want to leave. On the way there we just happened to be rolling through Memphis at an early time. Me, being the Elvis fanatic that I am, knew that in the morning there are free walk up times to the Meditation Garden at Graceland. The Meditation Garden is where Elvis, his mother, father, and grandma are laid to rest in the back yard of his home. It was fresh off of Elvis Week 2012 which marked the 35th anniversary of EP's passing, so there were flower arrangements and memorials from fans all over the world on display. I asked Josh "Can we stop at Graceland?" He says "Yeah" I ask when we get there "Will you take my picture" He complies. I ask when we leave "You want to sign the wall with me?" He says "Sure" Ummmmmm...WHO ARE YOU? This is not the Josh I know. He usually would grunt and moan through any Elvis experience. But I'm not complaining, I guess he is becoming more relaxed in his old age (25 years in a couple of weeks!)

Happy as a lark! In front of one of my favorite places on the planet. If you have never been, you should go. Even if you aren't exactly as obsessed with Elvis as I am. The place is a time capsule. Frozen in the past, it's actually somewhat educational. Really.
Mommy and Georgia at the foot of Elvis Aaron Presley's grave. (Yes for those of you who like to argue: Elvis' middle name on his birth certificate is spelled Aron. He later changed the spelling to Aaron which is the biblical spelling. The difference in spelling on his birth and death certificates is not proof that he is still alive. RIP) Should you smile at a grave? Well I am, I love visiting Elvis! I always remember how lucky I am to live just 2 hours away and to have the convenience of dropping by when I want. PS: look at my left foot and you can see my Elvis tattoo.
This is Georgia's first encounter with Gladys Love Smith Presley, the lady she is was named after. It always has bothered me that Vernon, Elvis' father is buried between Gladys and Elvis. But Vernon was the last to pass away and this was his wish to be placed between the two. Originally Elvis and his mother were buried in a cemetery in Memphis, but people wouldn't leave the graves alone so both bodies were moved to Graceland. Gladys' original tombstone was placed in the Meditation Garden. If you could see it, it would be in the right side of the picture. Most people don't know that is what the big ole monument is when they visit. SO when you go visit Graceland now, keep an eye out for it.
Fans are now encouraged to sign the rock wall that surrounds Graceland. I had a sharpie in my work bag so we busted it out and commemorated G-Love's first trip to the big house.
This is Josh signing the wall (much to my surprise) I was so curious to see what he was writing. When he was finished I ran over to look and he had written our cat's name. I don't know what possessed him to do this, but he does love that cat. Georgia: please notice your Daddy's mouth is open. He does this when he is thinking really hard. It is so cute! But also a little pathetic that he was in such deep concentration about writing a pet's name on the wall at Graceland.
Well that concludes our short but blissful trip to the home of Elvis Presley. Hope have enjoyed reading about it as much as I enjoyed being there. In other pregnancy news I am starting to really feel pregnant. Not in a miserable way at all, but in a "Holy cow I'm really having a baby" way. I want to go through and document how I have felt so far, since this blog is Georgia's baby book. (You can have your blog printed into a hard back book, how cool!)
In the first trimester I had next to no problems aside from nervousness. I was ready to add some weeks to my pregnancy and not worry as much. I never had any "morning sickness" just a little queasy feeling that lasted most of the time. It made me feel better to snack...ALL the time. At one doctor's appointment I was floored to learn I had gained 5 pounds in just 2 weeks. But after the first trimester ended, so did the uneasy feeling in my stomach. I quit eating all the darn time and proclaimed "I feel good!" Still not one pregnancy puke to date. Knock on wood!
Second trimester has been so good to me as well! In the first 3-4 weeks of it I had some bad headaches. Every single day. I was taking Tylenol around the clock it felt like. But one day the headaches just stopped. So I cannot complain. I will take a couple of weeks of headaches over hugging the toilet every morning. When the second trimester showed up, so did some spotting. It happens often. Sometimes every single day, and it had me really worried. My doctor examined me and determined that I have a big ole vein on the face of my cervix that just gets irritated. So now when it happens I'm not as concerned, just a little cautiously worried. I pay close attention and keep my doctor's number on speed dial, but we are doing okay! As of lately, my back is starting to hurt. Nothing that is debilitating, but it has made me pinch myself that HELLO A BABY IS COMING! SH*T'S ABOUT TO GET REAL.
I am also totally embracing my baby bump! I am so glad to have it. I actually look pregnant in my clothes and not just like I am putting on weight. I have taken a few maternity pictures just in case my belly gets all stretch marked up soon. (Which runs in my family, woo hoo) And here they are!
This is at 19 weeks. I have started a little project with a photographer here in town, Jay Malone, and I can't wait to see the finished product. He is amazing!
21 weeks. Had some beachy pictures done while we were on our little vacation!
Not many more pictures like this until we are a party of three!
Our halfway there chalkboard picture!
Loving the bump! Up until this point I have only sported one piece swimwear. I just looked bloated. But now I'm bumpalicious...bring on the bikinis!
Such a nice trip to the beach! We were super conscious of the fact that next year's trip will be all about our little girl so we focused on spending lots of time together before we are parents. No more just going to a restaurant and holding hands while waiting on our food. It's gonna be unbuckle the car seat, grab the diaper bag, find a high chair, etc. We can't wait!
Okay, okay. I'm wrapping up this blog entry. I promise. I just don't want to forget anything!!
Peace, Love, BabyBump


Saturday, August 4, 2012

DIY...I *LOVE* it!

Since I have known that our baby is going to be a girl, I have been bit by the DIY (do-it-yourself) bug! I have always loved to make anything I thought I could, but having Georgia as my motivation has sent me into overdrive. I guess it is my version of nesting. I have busted into my stash of scrap fabric and I'm having a field day! 
A little bitty precious gown. This one started my clothing kick! (Aren't I such a natural beauty in the photo. I really don't need makeup ever. NOT)

Bought this dresser at a flea market and gave it a makeover. The day I did this, I was calling this my proudest moment of craftiness. I am so sad I forgot to take a before picture. I am always so anxious to get started on a project. That's me Miss No Patience.  See those curtains back there, made those too! (More on the progress of G's room later) I also want to add that I almost died from lack of oxygen because Georgia's Daddy insisted that I wear a mask to protect her from the paint fumes. Almost killed us both in the 100 degree weather.
Lord have mercy I have learned how to applique and I am having a love affair with it. It's all I can think about, what can I applique next? Here is Georgia's first "bikini" and matching hair bow. I could eat this it is so sweet!
Pants! I made pants! This put me over the moon. I never dreamed I would reach this level of DIYing. Clothes from a piece of fabric have always seemed unfathomable, left for master crafters like my Aunt Diane. But lookie here! I made pants! And they have elastic in the waist like real pants should and everything. I appliqued a baby deer on the onesie and threw in a matching hair bow while I had the fabric out. I am so proud of this one! I will probably keep it until I die. I asked Josh if he had any suggestions of what the next applique could be. He suggested things like "a Chevy emblem" that I didn't go for. So for now I am still thinking on it. But I have a feeling I will be making several of these outfits!
Disclaimer: I am a selfish DIYer. I like to do it yourself for myself, when it comes to making something for your cousin's pregnant girlfriend my energy vanishes. Some weird phenomenon I haven't been able to cure. Darn. Call my Aunt Diane, she is a sucker and will probably make it for you.
Here she is, just in case you see her at WalMart and want to ask her for a crafty favor.
Just kidding, Aunt Diane! Thanks for all of the times you let me "help" you sew.
You can't imagine how many people have told me that they wish they knew how to sew. I am a lucky duck that I never felt like I "learned" to sew, just been doing it since I was big enough to get in your way and now it comes naturally to me. I will always LOVE you for this and think of you for the rest of my life when I sit behind my sewing machine. I would have named Georgia after you, but let's face it Mildred Diane, I didn't have much to work with. Instead I picked a name inspired by your mother in law, Georgie...hope you liked her. (Just a little tid bit for Georgia to read someday: Aunt Diane and I are at the orginal Georgie's house in this picture, where she raised her kids. My grandmother lives there now.)

Next up: Georgia's middle name. (which isn't Mildred or Diane) Boy I wrestled with this one. I kept going back and forth over the same names again and again. I never dreamed I would have such a hard time making a decision. Finally I made a list of all my potentials, and crossed them off one by one and wrote down my reason for axing each name so I wouldn't be tempted to come back to it again. It helped me a lot. I had plenty of names that I liked, but I was having such a hard time picking THE ONE.
Major thinking went into this name picking business. But I finally picked the name. Even after I decided I still felt wishy washy for a couple of days. So I made my self order a onesie with her monogram on it to make it somewhat official.
I LOVE a monogram! And now that I had this one in my hands, and I could see it, it felt right. So our Georgia's middle name is Love. Georgia Love Hollowell.

I went with this name for a few reasons. I can never just be kinda fond of something. I have to be totally in love with it. Can't like sewing, gotta love it. Don't just like Japanese food, love Japanese food. Don't just like Elvis, I love him. It's a recurrent theme with me. LOVE LOVE LOVE. I have also marveled a million times about how loved I am, how much I love Josh, and I how blessed I am that I have been given someone who I know loves me just as hard. The amount of love in my life has made me feel so so so dang lucky again and again. (Insert pregnant girl tears here.) Another reason, actually the first reason, I was lead to this name. It is Gladys Presley's middle name, momma of the man himself, Elvis. Other Elvis inspired baby names didn't quite strike my fancy for one reason or another and I really wanted something to pay tribute to my first love (no pun intended) Elvis. And Elvis loved his momma more than anybody. I think he would approve.

Gladys Love Presley and her momma's boy.
I hope my family just treasures me like her boy did her. I love (there it is again) it when someone has so much respect and adoration for their momma, it is so southern to me. I hope I am worthy of such momma respect someday!
The day I made my middle-name-weed-out list I saw this picture in a Pottery Barn Kids magazine. I wondered if it was a sign, I think it must have been! 

Oh yeah, a few Courtney is getting fatter pictures.

I know, mirror bathroom pictures. But I'm not making a duck face or bending frontwards to make my cleavage look bigger...

Peace, Love, & Gladys Presley