Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Truckin' right along!

We are 24 weeks today and I am still feeling great. My belly button has popped out and I hate it! I have always had a weird problem with my belly button. Josh loves to stick his finger in it because he knows it makes me feel like I want to puke on a person and now that it is popped out I get my belly button touched ALL the time. EWWWWW. During my ultrasound this week, my doctor kept rolling the ultrasound wand over my belly button and if I wasn't getting to look at my sweet Georgia I would have been able to take it. So if you see me at the grocery store and have the urge to touch my belly, go right ahead but please avoid my belly button or I will have the uncontrollable urge to throw up on you.

Ankles have started to be swollen at the end of some days if I have been on my feet too much. Drinking lots of water and cashing in a lot of foot rubs from my devoted husband :)

The past little while has really brought on the heartburn! Old wives tale says that means a head full of hair. I don't really believe those kinds of superstitions but a baby with flowing locks of hair would be a nice consolation to all this heartburn.I was bald as an onion until I was 2 years old. Josh on the other hand had the fuzziest hair that stood straight up all the time. I hope our baby looks just like Josh!

Here is our most recent look at our baby girl! Her face is on the right and her arms are up by her ears. Her leg bone measured long this week and a lot of people I have told about this say she will be a basketball player. Nope, I think we will use our long legs for dancing thank you. Georgia Love is weighing in at 1 pound and 6 ounces. Every night before bed Josh lays his hand on my belly to feel her move. Our favorite part of the day, sweet moments!
I.LOOK.SO.BIG. I have had several people tell me that I look bigger in pictures than I do in person, whew! However, today in JCPenney a lady asked me when I was due and then told me I was going to be huge before I delivered and she sure hopes I make it. I initially had a lot of trouble finding cute outfits to wear, but now I have outgrown all of my sweatpants. Now THAT is a problem! Every girl, pregnant or not, deserves a good pair of fat pants! I have been wearing Josh's boxer shorts around the house most of the time and he is complaining he never has any clean underwear. Hey we all have to sacrifice here. Oh well, we are just fat and sassy and happy that baby G is growing away!
I am also SO very happy to report that I haven't bled/spotted in almost 2 whole weeks. (now everyone knock on wood!) I am thankful thankful thankful for this stress reliever. Since my joyous 12 week milestone I have been alternating between bleeding and spotting most everyday and it was making me worry because it was always for NO reason. I couldn't ever justify it with a cause like heavy lifting or being on my feet to much or anything like that. I was mostly afraid of my placenta detaching from the uterine wall (medical term: abruption) since I would have an increased risk of that being a MTHFR-er, and also afraid of incompetent cervix which is where the cervix can't support the weight of a growing baby causing delivery way too early. I just did my best to push the worry to the back of my mind and take it easy if I thought I needed to. On the worst day for my bleeding I called my doctor's office and they wanted to see me. We couldn't find any cause for it other than the irritation of a vein on my cervix (cervix is very vascular during pregnancy) he gave me some antibiotics hoping to help with any inflammation that may be causing it. He told me to pay close attention in case I started to feel any pressure (incompetent cervix worry) The antibiotics helped, but didn't take it totally away. But as of today I can say it has "stopped" and hopefully for good, lots of prayers for peace of mind have gone up with this little issue!
Enough about me for today.
Peace.Love.Fat Pants.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Fall is in the air!

Fall is definitely the favorite season at the Hollowell Headquarters. I love the weather, foliage, and the holidays. Josh gets buck fever and dives head first into another hunting season. 2 years ago, we had our wedding on a beautiful fall day. It is actually Fall Eve right now (not QUITE fall yet) but I can feel it coming! Last week, under my direction, Josh took a few maternity pictures of me before he left for work again. He did such a good job! I may just turn him into a picture whore like me before it's all over with.