Then Georgia was born and she was a game changer for me in more ways than one. She is totally my MUSE. The inspiration my creativity flows from. For her first Halloween I was inspired by her bossy, leadership skills, take charge attitude that she exhibited from the second she was born. Hence her ringleader costume.

The Family Circus, 2013
The next year brought my all time favorite costume ever that will never ever be topped and I would dress her in this year after year if she would let me.
Jackie Kennedy and her Secret Service. (insert heart eyes emoji here.)
The 3rd year of Georgia's life was the year I allowed myself to indulge in multiple costumes. One for actual trick or treating, one for trunk or treat at church, etc. We kicked off 2015's season of costumes with a deer hunting theme.

Her Daddy was the accessory to this costume.
And now...our most glorious year yet. The year we added Poet to our family, 2016. The year of family costume greatness.
First we were a fairytale for Georgia's school Fall Festival.
Cinderella, Gus Gus, and Fairy Godmother.
Then we moved on to Georgia's costume for her school party and our church's Halloween fun night.
Donut anyone? Poet is a cop.
Our grand finale was Georgia choice. Sleeping Beauty Characters!
Aurora, Price Phillip, Malificent, and Malificent's crow.
Until next year.......
Cinderella, Gus Gus, and Fairy Godmother.
Then we moved on to Georgia's costume for her school party and our church's Halloween fun night.
Donut anyone? Poet is a cop.
Our grand finale was Georgia choice. Sleeping Beauty Characters!
Aurora, Price Phillip, Malificent, and Malificent's crow.
Until next year.......