Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Well, I always wanted to be a Kardashian...

I have taken my provera and drum roll please....had a period!  I declared war on my uterus and there was blood shed.  NOW drumming my fingers waiting on ole Laverne and Shirley. I have been paying special attention to any twinges of pain in the area of L&S, watching my cervical mucus, and doing ovulation tests everyday. The verdict? I don't think I have ovulated. Which means I could be beginning another journey of period-less doom.

So here is the plan:  I'm due to set sail on a 7 day cruise on Saturday.  If my period is going to return to "normal" 28 day schedule I should start while on the cruise. I'm just going to enjoy myself and deal with the outcome when I get home. If I am not blessed with the presence of a period on my little vaca, I will talk with my doctor and hopefully have some blood drawn to evaluate my hormone status and an ultra sound to see what L&S are up to. 

In the mean time I have been reading the most informative book ever.
SO if you are reading this blog, and you have two boobs and a vagina...BUY THIS BOOK.  There is so much you don't know about yourself!  This book educates on the basics of the female reproductive system and gives the guidelines for tracking your ovulation.  You can then either follow the "Fertility Awareness Method" and practice natural birth control. (Which is what I will be doing when need be-because man made birth control is evil spawn of a female Satan-and I'm pretty passionate about that statement.)  OR you can use the "Fertility Awareness Method" and do your best to make a baby.  

If I have another period ever, I will start the "Fertility Awareness Method" (FAM) and chart my temperatures and other such symptoms so I can be totally aware of what is happening with my reproductive system. As a result, I can be a more credible advocate for myself when meeting with my doctor and support my claims of annovulation (absence of ovulation).  Don't I sound smarter already?

In other news, Khloe Kardashian Odom has begun fertility treatments.  Bless her heart. I know how awkward and sensitive I feel when people ask when Josh and I are going to have a baby. I cannot imagine having the tabloids speculate and gossip about it too.  I have always related to Khloe the most since the beginning of my Kardashian love affair-proud viewer since episode numero uno!  She has a tough exterior, but is truly sensitive and has a huge heart.  She doesn't flinch to drop the F bomb and is so in love with her husband. As Kris Humphries puts it; she is "so down for her man."  I can SO relate to my favorite Kardashian,  love her! (I am a Khlover, as her fans are called)  So now I am finger crossing that she shares as much of her infertility situation  as she can, I would soak up every piece of information. 

I would so drop a big F bomb here for KK, but HHBH will read this someday. Censored!

So until I have more to say...Peace, Love, and effin Khloe Kardashian, bitch.