Also a source of worry is that Georgia will be born during cold and flu season. Cootie queen momma in the making. Make fun of me. Call me psycho. Tell me I'm being over protective. I don't give a rat's patoot. The last thing I want is for my baby girl to get RSV or something worse, end up in the hospital, get poked for labs, have an IV, have a bunch of snot when she can't even blow her nose yet, etc. etc. Inevitably this would all transpire while Josh was at work, just the way our luck runs with stuff like that. So if you don't want to wash your hands, or you may sneeze or cough on my baby, I say this as lovingly as possible: Bug off. I know that she will not live her whole childhood and never get sick, but we will do everything we can to prevent it while she is an infant. And that's all I have to say about that.
You'll find this on our hospital door. Now let me say, we can't wait to show Miss Georgia off, so don't be scared to come see us. We love you, really we do. Just wash your hands without giving me any grief about it.
Next worry: Today I went in to Georgia's nursery to put some things away and was having a moment in her closet. All theses adorable clothes we have been gifted and that I have shopped for make my heart flutter! I am about to have a BABY to wear them! But wait...when I was shopping I didn't buy as many newborn sized outfits as I did other sizes. Rationalizing that she won't be that size for very long. What was I thinking?? I frantically count the newborn clothes in the closet. 20 outfits. Is that enough? Will she be newborn size for longer than 20 days? What if she spits up or craps on something and has to wear 2 outfits in one day? Ahhhh!!! As soon as Josh called from work I asked him if he thought I should go to JCPenney tomorrow and buy more clothes. His response? Ever my voice of logic and reason: You can wash her clothes you freaking nut job. THEN she can wear them twice or even three or four times if necessary. Oh, whew! Why didn't I think of that? Now THAT was a close one. Crisis averted.
I went to the doctor a few days ago and Georgia weighs an estimated 5 lbs and 14 ounces. I am wondering how much bigger she can get before my uterus starts to contract. I feel like I may be pregnant forever. But I had been told that the last weeks slow down and boy do they. Guess it just gives you time to worry about dumb crap. My puffiness/swelling is pretty good and easily resolves when I rest a little. My blood pressure is still within normal limits, just a little high when compared to my baseline blood pressure from the beginning of my pregnancy. 1+ protein in my urine as a result, but I don't feel like I am going to stroke out anytime soon. So we will just keep carrying on. My plan is to NOT be induced if at all possible. I have different reasons why I don't prefer induction, but I'm not totally close minded about it. Every time Josh leaves for work a planned day to go to the hospital is pretty tempting, but I'm holding out. God knows when she will come and if he wants Josh to be there, he'll be there.
I have a couple of predictions about Georgia's personality. I have already mentioned I think she will be a planner like me, since she has been head down ready to make her way through the birth canal for months. My other prediction is that she will not be a morning person. When I wake up for the final time in the morning (not any of the other times I get up throughout the night to pee and eat) she hurts me! Pushes both arms and legs outward as hard as I think she can. It makes my stomach look so deformed and lopsided. Like the Quasimodo of pregnant bellies. I feel like she is saying "Five more minutes mom!" Oh and I think she is going to be a pig. She is making me so so hungry. I wake up every hour to two hours throughout the night to pee and with each wake up my stomach is rumbling and I feel like I haven't eaten in days. So we have many snacks, and eat more than 3 meals a day. So I think she will be a big eater!
I'm going to shut up now, Georgia's Aunt Abi is on her way to bring us a Big Mac. Our second supper for the evening.